Today, In this article we are going to look at the Top 5 Free
Vulnerability scanning tools which are famous among the Ethical Hackers
and Penetration Testers.
So, before going to look at those tools let us first know about vulnerability.
What is Vulnerability?
Vulnerability is a weakness or any flaws in a system that act as an open-door for the attacker to get exploit and allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access on a system itself.
What is vulnerability Scanning?
Vulnerability scanning is the practice in which the penetration testers or attackers use several tools or analogy to detect and classify the flaws or weakness in a system.
2) OpenVas
3) Burpsuite
4) Nikto
5) OwaspZap
Nmap or Network Mapper is a free network scanner tool which is mainly used for network penetration Test . Nmap already comes up with different types of builtin features which can be used for different approaches like host discovery, detect operating system as well as services running on a system.
But while it comes to find the known vulnerabilities in a system Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) comes into play. Nmap Scripting engine is one of the most advanced and flexible features which is being provided by the nmap tool. It allows the user to write and use several types of nmap scripts for network automation and exploiting the known vulnerabilities.
Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner (openVas) is a Software framework or a tool that offers vulnerability scanning and management. It allows the users to easily perform scanning on targeted system or a network. It has got some of the builtin plugins which helps the tester or the users to classify the severity of flaws or vulnerability in a given target machine and also it helps the user to generate the report for further assessment.
Burpsuite is set of tools which is developed by portswigger. It is one the famous tool among web application penetration testers and security researchers. Mainly, Burpsuite has got two versions i.e Community and Enterprise from which community version is completely free where another cost a bit of price. Burpsuite already comes with different types of builtin features which can be used for initial mapping and analysis of web application to finding vulnerabilities and exploiting it.
Nikto is a command line Vulnerability Scanner tool which is used to scan the web servers to detect the flaws or any threats on it. It helps the tester to perform test for multiple items, including 6700 potentially file/programs and also helps to check for outdated version of over 1250 servers and version specific problems on over 270 servers. It can be used to scan different protocols like: https, httpd, http, etc.
OwaspZap is one of the most powerful tool which relies under the OWASP and who is highly famous among the web security researcher and pen-testers. It helps the user to automatically find loopholes or security flaws in an application.
Author - Saroj Khadka
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