Networking in Linux:
We will learn some of the most used command-line tools and utilities for network management in Linux. We will explain some common usage examples, which will make network management much easier in Linux.
ifconfig :
ifconfig is a command line interface tool for network interface configuration and also used to initialize an interfaces at system boot time. Once a server is up and running, it can be used to assign an IP Address to an interface and enable or disable the interface on demand.
It is also used to view the status IP Address, Hardware / MAC address, as well as MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) size of the currently active interfaces. ifconfig is thus useful for debugging or performing system tuning.
Ping :
ping (Packet INternet Groper) is a utility normally used for testing connectivity between two systems on a network (Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN)). It use ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) to communicate to nodes on a network.
Traceroute :
Traceroute is a command line utility for tracing the full path from your local system to another network system. It prints number of hops (router IP’s) in that path you travel to reach the end server. It is an easy-to-use network troubleshooting utility after ping command.
Netstat :
netstat is a command line tool that displays useful information such as network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, and much more, concerning the Linux networking subsystem. It is useful for network troubleshooting and performance analysis.
Additionally, it is also a fundamental network service debugging tool used to check which programs are listening on what ports. For instance, the following command will show all TCP ports in listening mode and what programs are listening on them.
host :
host command is a simple utility for carrying out DNS lookups, it translates host names to IP addresses and vice versa.
Processes In Linux:
htop :
htop is a command-line utility that is an improved version of the top command. It displays crucial system metrics such as tasks running, PIDs, uptime, load average, memory utilization and a load of other important statistics.
What makes htop stand out from its predecessor top command is the ability to display system metrics in a more organized manner and in various color schemes. This allows users to intuitively find the system metrics they want with ease compared to the plain and boring top command utility tool.
The header section displays system metrics which include CPU, Memory and Swap utilization, running tasks, load average, and uptime.
List processes in a tree-like format.
Linux processes are usually in a hierarchical order, creating a child-parent relationship. To display the relationship, simply press the F5 function key.
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